tisdag 30 januari 2007


Creativity seems to elude me. Therefore I decided to copy/paste some old stuff.
Here goes:

Disturbing Dreams

I have to get my own blog, because this doesn't really belong here, but I want to get it out. (Look, I did!)

I just woke up from a really, really weird and haunting dream. Most of it is rather too embarrassing to talk about but in the end I met an idealized version of myself who was screaming "All is lost!" over and over again, while running past me in some underground tunnel.

Man, that freaked me out. I'm still shaken up.

There were lassos involved somehow as well.

Thank christ I'm awake now... Or, am I?

Here's a theory: maybe crazy dreams like this are just your body's way of waking you up because it's thirsty or needs to pee?
My mouth was very dry when I woke up.

I wish I could prove this. I'd love to piss off all those analysts and new age hippies.

fredag 5 januari 2007

First blog that kinda goes into something else towards the end.

I'm just gonna write something about how I'm writing this. Since this is my first foray in the blogging world, I need to build my confidence in this (for me) new medium. The first thing you think about when writing your very first blog is of course: will anyone actually read this? And if so, who will these people be, apart from family and friends? Knowing your audience is supposedly very important, but does anyone really? Sure, all kinds of entertainment industry companies conduct research on demographics and such, but I've always suspected they're wasting their money. Ask yourself: do I have any reason to be truthful to some annoying guy on the phone asking me market research questions? The obvious answer is no. In fact, I believe that many people (such as myself) derive a little bit of pleasure from lying to these guys every chance they get. Hence, the system is not only flawed, but almost entirely useless.

Tell me, am I wrong?